Market and potential

The EU has set a target of 3M public charging points by 2030, in line with the agreement between 24 countries and a group of leading car manufacturers to phase out new petrol and diesel car sales by 2030.
This has highlighted a huge gap in the supply of public EV chargers globally to meet the forecast demand. Despite government incentives for home chargers to be installed, battery technology hasn’t evolved sufficiently for users to drive long distances without suffering from range anxiety. Expensive fast charging solutions, penalties for ‘over-staying’ and lack of kerbside charging points are barriers for many EV adopters.
The provision of medium or slow-charging alternatives will aid a balanced draw on the national grid and provide a cheaper alternative for users and developers.
The number of parking spaces across Germany, Netherlands, the UK and the Nordics alone, with the potential to become an EV charging point is in excess of 20M. Be they at the workplace, on-street or off-street, you too, have the opportunity to be a part of the EV charging revolution. To discuss this in more detail, please click here.